
In this chapter, we delve into the world of developing for SSH-MITM. Having explored the basics and functionalities of SSH-MITM in previous chapters, we now turn our attention to the more intricate aspects of its development.

SSH-MITM, with its rich feature set and adaptable architecture, offers a fertile ground for development in multiple areas. Our focus here will be on the development of plugins, a key component that enhances SSH-MITM’s functionality and flexibility.

Plugins in SSH-MITM serve as vital extensions that allow users to tailor the tool to specific needs, making it a highly customizable solution for SSH-related security tasks.

In this chapter, we cover:

  1. Contributing to the Project: Learn how you can make impactful contributions, whether through improving documentation, refining the codebase, or engaging actively in the community. We will discuss the various ways your skills and insights can enhance SSH-MITM.

  2. Setting Up a Development Environment: A step-by-step guide to setting up your development environment. This includes system requirements, installing necessary tools like Python and git, and configuring your setup to start developing.

  3. Building and Testing Plugins: Insight into the process of building plugins for SSH-MITM, from conceptualization to implementation. You’ll learn about the architectural considerations, the coding standards, and the testing procedures to ensure your plugin integrates seamlessly with SSH-MITM.

  4. Understanding the API: An overview of the SSH-MITM package and its API, giving you the knowledge to interact with and extend SSH-MITM’s capabilities effectively.

By the end of this chapter, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the development process for SSH-MITM, equipped with the knowledge to contribute meaningfully to this dynamic project.